Working with You

… when we learn to trust the inner signal, cultivate it, nurture it, value it and then communicate it, then what we bring to the table is a gift to all Life.

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My offerings

Lia’s sessions are focussed around co-creating safe consensual containers where she will join you on a journey into and onto the edge of your evolution. Within your window of presence she will support and coach you to create new pathways of experiencing pleasure. Lia is passionate about suffusing her work with radical acceptance and embodying the benevolent culture in which the fullness of who-we-really-are can rest into. Lia is also passionate about the work of miracles and how important it is to embody a higher knowing of our fullest potential – Namaste – The Divinity in me sees the Divinity in you. Lia works at holding dual awareness at all times – seeing the suffering as Jesus did and at the same time holding the higher knowing of the truth of our unique light and love that is who we really are. It is not one without the other – spiritual bypassing or navel gazing – it is the two suffused together in a wonderful interplay of healing and wholing.
Using Betty Martins Wheel of Consent, Voice Dialogue parts work and Body Focusing techniques we can navigate:

  • Consent and boundaries – physical and energetic
  • Body de-armouring
  • Body shame
  • Sexual conditioning in all its myriad presentations
  • Libido challenges
  • Difficultly achieving orgasm
  • Cervical Awareness
  • Prostate Awareness
  • Anal mapping
  • Core Erotic Theme
  • Pleasure mapping
  • Mindful self pleasure coaching
  • Scar tissue remediation

What to expect

We start with some kind of embodiment work and sound, check in and then set an intention for the session. We then spend some time co creating a consensual container to work with the client’s intention, small pieces of work with lots of integration time – based around cutting edge neurobiology for building new ways of being. WE continue in the session journeying along the clients resilient edge of resistance, continuing to co create new containers of learning leading towards the intention.

Every session is co-created consensually and will always focus on working within the clients’ felt sense of safety. The work is based around finding the clients ‘resilient edge of resistance’- the place where there is the potential for growth and metabolising trauma.
Sessions can range from fully clothed and voice based to fully naked active receiving of erotic touch and erotic exploration. This bodywork is all one way touch and gloves are used for genital and anal touch


I’ve has sessions with Lia both in Voice Dialogue and Sexiological Bodywork. I continue to feel incredibly grateful for the ways and depths in which Lia is able to hold space. Not only is she very present with me, but I experience her as having deep layers of understanding of complex psychologies and systems, so that when I share what’s going on for me, she is able to witness, empathise and reflect using a solid tapestry of methodologies that she weaves seamlessly, in an embodied way, with so much heart and love. So I feel very held and seen not just as an individual but in the context of my social and cultural existence, and her deep and wide insights help me bring more compassion to my wounded and hurting parts. As a result I feel less like the problem is in me, and more able to see patterns that are societal inherited and common, which helps me feel less alone, relieved, softer and therefore more empowered and motivated to tend to what wants tending to. I highly recommend Lia as a skilled facilitator and space-holder.


Lia Love is a great facilitator - she has a warm easy and welcoming manner and possesses a depth of understanding of the whole Voice Dialogue process through the many years of training that she has done with us. She is a rising star among the new facilitators in the field, her hall mark being to walk her talk, to disentangle the many strands of the inner process with care, intelligence, compassion and integrity, and to give support and encouragement to her clients from a deeply heartfelt place in herself. We highly recommend Lia as a Voice Dialogue facilitator.

Trilby Fairfax